The data showed small variations between and within families for family functioning and family hardiness, there were only two families scoring low for both family functioning and hardiness. Data was collected from 60 families (60 former intensive cared patients and 85 family members) and showed that 50 families scored healthy family functioning and 52 high strengths in hardiness. Scale values were calculated on, both family wise and between the patients and the family members. To explore questionnaire data, descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed. The data were coded and entered the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 25, for analysis. Former adult intensive care patients and their family were recruited to participate between December 2017 and June 2019. A cross-sectional study using two self-reported questionnaires. The aim is to explore family functioning and family hardiness in families of former intensive care patients. The family is of great importance for the recovery of the former intensive-care patient.
Being cared for in an intensive care unit affects both the patient being cared for and the family in various ways.